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Valentines Day Update from Fr. JohnBosco

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Hey everyone! Below is an update from our beloved Father Bosco on the state of the Kassie Braun Memorial Schools in Abakiliki, Nigeria, as well as some amazing photos. We want to thank every single one of you for all of your support these past three and a half years, and we look forward to many more. We wouldn't be here without you and appreciate any and all donations, as they go directly to building the school.

Although we have made a ton of progress, the school has a long way to go, but we are very grateful for Fr Bosco, all of the Sister's, and the local community for their hard work in making this school a dream come true. Happy Valentines Day!


"Back in Nigeria, Sr Faustina, the school president is doing a great job inculcating the spirit of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools to our staff and students. She reminds them every day about our need to give in service because we have freely received. She was in Charleston in December and went home with a laptop and computer for the school.

Structural progress: As I mentioned in our last two meetings, the classroom building was beginning to compromise to rain and the elements, hence the necessity to complete the blockwork and put Tin roof over it. This is no small project especially as the cost of building materials like steel and cement had doubled in price. I wish to share with us some updates.

We bought three trailer loads of cement that I believe will complete the decking of the second floor and level off the third floor. Out challenge after that will be wood and Tin roofing. I am sure that when we get there, hopefully sometime in March, God will provide the means.

We have also gone ahead to raise the security walls of the property and add some electric raise wires.

We started the landscaping of the whole property; we graded the soccer pitch, the school entrance, the teacher's residence, etc.

The biggest challenge the staff and students have right now is the power supply. I thought we solved this problem but unfortunately, it did not last long. Apparently, we paid to fix the power line that supplies the area and the school enjoyed power supply. Since January, they have not had light for up to five days. The power company claims that the villagers are owing to the power company an enormous amount of money and they cannot continue to supply them light until they pay in something. Hence, they turned off the transformer supplying the area.

There is definitely a need to have our own transformer. Apart from getting entangled with the existing bills the village had accumulated, there is also the fact that about three communities depend on this one transformer. It is such that the current is hardly full to power the refrigerators. Even to pump water from the well, the sisters had to use the standby generator to pump water. They have been running the generator 2hrs every other night to pump water and fill the overhead tanks. I have asked for a quotation on what it takes to get our own transformer. It will mean running the high tension poles and wire from the major road down to the school. Two estimates I got range between $30,000 to $35,000.

Overall, I am very happy with the shape our school is taking. The sisters are planning a massive advertisement for the school. We get a student population that is able to pay tuition, things will be much easier. But before then, let us continue to work hard as if it is in our hands and pray as it is in God's hands.

God bless you.

Fr Bosco"


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